The karmic spiritual impulse of the followers of Michael
How Ahriman works into personal intelligence
Rudolf Steiner
‘Be a person of initiative, and take care that the hindrances of your own body, or hindrances that otherwise confront you, do not prevent you from finding the centre of your being, where the source of your initiative lies. Likewise, you will find that all joy and sorrow, all happiness and pain, depend on finding or not finding your own individual initiative. – Rudolf Steiner, Dornach, 4 August 1924
Rudolf Steiner urges those who feel the calling of the Archangel Michael to become people of initiative. The anthroposophist should be aware that, ‘… initiative lies in his karma, and much of what meets him in this life will depend on the extent to which he can become willingly, actively conscious of it.’ In the second half of this inspiring lecture, Steiner describes how the being of Ahriman is able to work through the personal intellect of human beings today. As a consequence, we are called upon to be inwardly awake and vigilant at all times.
6 November 2019; Trans. rvd M. Barton (single lecture 4 Aug. 1924 from GA 237); RSP; 40pp; 13.5 x 10 cm; pb;
£3.99 ISBN 9781855845640