Paradise Play - Shepherds Play - Kings Play
Edited by Hélène Jacquet
For hundreds of years ordinary folk in the small Austrian village of Oberufer on the Danube gathered in the local tavern at Christmas time to perform these plays to their neighbours. With their roots lost in medieval times, the plays gradually evolved to incorporate a unique mixture of broad peasant humour and deep reverence in their celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus.
The Formative Process of the Spoken Word: A Selection of Lectures, Exercises and Articles
Marie Steiner-von Sivers
In this seminal work on a new art of speech, Rudolf and Marie Steiner demonstrate how the Word can truly be brought to life. From the authors’ perspective, the audible sound of speech is only the end result of a much greater process that begins inwardly. In contrast to the belief that speaking is entirely a matter of correct placement in the mouth, Rudolf Steiner advises speakers to concentrate on what takes place before the mechanical production of sound is made in the physical organism.
The Doorway of Initiation – The Trial of the Soul – The Guardian of the Threshold – The Souls Awaken
The Doorway of Initiation – The Trial of the Soul – The Guardian of the Threshold – The Souls Awaken
Becoming Human
‘Like so much of Renaissance Art, Shakespeare’s work bears an open secret. The esoteric spiritual content is undisguised, though it may be unexpected and not always immediately recognized. And, like all the great artistic achievements... this work remains incomplete until we recognize and respond to its open invitation that we become active participants.’ – from the Introduction
This book forms the basis for a new approach to the art of speech as inaugurated by Steiner, filled with insights that lead to a deeper understanding of the forming of speech and the art of acting.
The Portal of Initiation and the Soul's Probation
Rudolf Steiner wrote four mystery dramas intended to portray the spiritual path of self-knowledge as described by spiritual science, or Anthroposophy. Those plays are not merely symbolic but realistic depictions in a spiritual sense.
Rudolf Steiner’s Linguistic Style
Martina Maria Sam
‘Development in the science of the spirit will always … involve what we may call developing the inner meaning and inner configuration of our language.’ – Rudolf Steiner
A Celebration of Language and Imagination
Christy MacKaye Barnes et al
Built around the work of Christy MacKaye Barnes, a master teacher of English, For the Love of Literature focuses on general themes - such as the training of imagination, speech and poetry through the study of great authors - as well as on particular authors and texts.
Awakening in America (A Spiritual Fantasia on World Themes)
Glen Williamson
“A masterly and original artistic metamorphosis, daring throughout, yet contained and congruent with respect to its spiritual context.” — Dr. James Dyson, Anthroposophic physician (retired) and psychologist. Cofounder, Park Attwood Clinic
Eileen Hutchins
‘The great importance of these plays is not that we are given many thoughts to further our understanding of anthroposophy, but that we are shown the transforming power of spiritual striving in individual lives, and especially the development in human relationships through an awareness of the forces of destiny. In this respect the Mystery Plays are unique.’ – from the Foreword
A Guide to Rudolf Steiner’s first Mystery Drama
Trevor Dance
The philosopher and educationalist Rudolf Steiner was also a radical dramatist who wrote four lengthy and complex plays. The first of these, The Portal of Initiation, is rich in content and artistically presented, but leaves us with questions: Why is the first scene so long and many speeches so lengthy? Why are our usual expectations of drama not met? Was Steiner really a competent dramatist?
Vortices and the Enigma of Speech Sounds
Serge Maintier
How the sounds of spoken language arise is ultimately still a mystery to researchers. Acoustic phonetics has analysed sound phenomena, whereas articulatory phonetics determines the physiological formation of spoken language. Little is known about the air, however, the central element of speech both within and immediately outside the body as it relates to audible sounds.
A Rosicrucian Tale
Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Zanoni, first published in 1842, was inspired by a dream. Sir Edward, a Rosicrucian, wrote this engaging, well-researched, novel about the eternal conflict between head and heart, between wisdom and love, played out by the Rosicrucians before the dramatic background of the French Revolution. He described his book Zanoni as “a truth for those who can comprehend it, and an extravagance for those who cannot.” Following his introduction, the novel is divided into seven parts, whose titles indicate the sevenfold path of spiritual development. The fourth section, “The Dweller of the Threshold,” is the book’s centrepiece, revealing significant esoteric facts and experiences.