Founded upon Spiritual Science
The Nature and Task of Painting Therapy
Margarethe Hauschka
Based on many years of medical, artistic, therapeutic and anthroposophical experience, the author presents a concentrated foundation for the development of artistic therapy and the training of therapists. Although written with the painting therapist in mind, this clearly-formulated book – the fundamental work in its field – will also be of interest to those involved in medical and general therapeutic work, as well as to serious students of anthroposophy. It includes fifty full-colour examples from Hauschka’s course at the School for Artistic Therapy.
MARGARETHE HAUSCHKA (1896-1980) studied Medicine in Munich and worked as a doctor at the Ita Wegman Clinic, where she had responsibility for artistic therapy and helped develop Rhythmical Einreibungen, a method of rhythmical massage. After marrying Rudolf Hauschka, she worked at the Biologischen Hospital in Höllriegelskreuth. From 1950, she devoted herself to course and seminar activity, and in 1962 she founded the School for Artistic Therapy and Massage in Boll, Germany.
7 September 2015; Trans. V. Taberner, A.L. Blathwayt, H. Ketzel; RSP; 96pp (24 col. plates); pb;
£20.00 ISBN 9781855845190