Gaining Strength in the Trials of Life
Angus Jenkinson
With a background in business and a life-long interest in spirituality, Angus Jenkinson brings a rich blend of professional and practical know-how, contemporary experience and ancient wisdom to tackling the very modern problem of stress. The sense of being under stress, he suggests, is as much to do with our response to events as the events themselves. Symptoms of stress can be seen as a form of advice, helping us to grow as individuals and develop inner resources needed to meet the inevitable challenges of twenty-first century life. These resources include courage and compassion, freedom and self-determination, clear thinking, positivity and love. Thus equipped, we may approach the adventure of life with serenity, in turn creating less stress for other people.
From Stress to Serenity collects advice, practical exercises and insights from many traditions and diverse sources, including Rudolf Steiner, Jung, Nelson Mandela, Julian of Norwich, Marshall Rosenberg and Buddha. The result is an enlightening workbook as well as a thought-provoking analysis of the roots of stress and its meaning for our personal and spiritual development.
ANGUS JENKINSON is a Professor of Integrated Marketing and Chairman of Stepping Stones Consultancy Ltd. His wide-ranging career in business has led him to coach leaders and facilitate change in multinationals as well as NGO's. A feature of his consultancy practice has been his use of insights gained through years of study of the spiritual and scientific traditions of the West and East, both modern and ancient.
Having spent his childhood in Africa, Angus read English at Oxford. He is married with grown-up children, and is a keen photographer, poet and novelist. He is the author of Valuing Your Customers and a Fellow of the RSA and the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
November 2003; RSP; 288pp; 23.5 x 15.5 cm; pb;
£12.95 ISBN 9781855841574 - This title is out of print.